From September 7th to 8th, Liu Cheng, deputy general manager of Xi'an Research Institute, went to Mianning Seismological Institute of Sichuan Province to conduct safety inspection on the site of "Anning River Fault Yihai Section Shallow Seismic Exploration Project".
At the construction site, Liu Cheng who is Vice General Manager. He first communicated with Vice Director Tang Hanping of the Seismological Institute and the personnel of the project department on project safety and engineering technology. After they listen the project site manager Liu Fangxiao's report on the project overview, project progress and site safety management, the project focused on the safety and quality control of the project, and they carried out safety inspection on the vibroseis vehicle operation, instrument vehicle operation and wiring construction site.
Deputy General Manager, Liu Cheng gave full affirmation to the safety production and quality control measures of Mianning project site. In view of the construction characteristics of the project, he asked the project department to do a good job in safety driving of vibroseis and standardized operation of cabling personnel. He emphasized that the project department always pays attention to the weather changes in the construction area and takes precautions against construction. The occurrence of debris flow, landslide and other geological disasters in the area ensures the quality and progress of the project on the premise of ensuring safe production.
During the safety inspection, Vice General Manager Liu Cheng and Vice Director Tang Hanping of the Earthquake Research Institute also helped a poor family who is the Yi Nationality.